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How We Can Help

FundX wealth managers aim to help you live the life you envision

Your Investment Plan Starts Here


The first step is to talk with your advisor, so he or she gets a clear understanding of your financial goals and needs. From there, we'll map out a investment plan to reach your goals. Comprehensive financial planning is available.

Detailed risk

You'll get a personalized risk analysis that we'll use to build your fund portfolio and find an allocation that meets your objectives. We'll actively manage your portfolio and rebalance as needed to keep you on track.

Dedicated professionals to help you adapt to change

Your advisor works to help you stay on course every step of the way, and our dedicated client service team is here to meet all of your account needs.

Ready to get started?

The first step is to set up a time to talk with an advisor and see if we’re a good fit.

What's Included in Wealth Management?

✔ Risk assessment
✔ Advisor funds & strategies
✔ Asset allocation
✔ Financial planning
✔ Active management
✔ Continuity for your family
✔ Tax-loss harvesting
✔ Behavioral coaching to keep you on track
✔ Rebalancing
✔ Expert trading & client service

Who We Serve

Retirement account investors
Individual investors
Tax-smart fund investing strategies for your taxable individual and joint accounts.
Sustainable investors
Fund investing strategies designed to help you build wealth in a sustainable and socially conscious way.
Family trusts
Tax-sensitive fund investing strategies for trust accounts.
Foundations & Corporations
We can tailor fund portfolios to fit your organization's investment mandates. We manage 401(k) and 403(b) plans for businesses of all sizes.